It’s time to give perfection the middle finger!


The illusion of a perfectly pinnable, organized home is a construct designed to keep you exhausted and distracted.

I know, because I ran (very tired) circles around myself for years trying to maintain it!


Hey! I’m Kelly Haller. 

Before you put another 6-pack of sexy acrylic containers in your cart, hear me out:

Being too tidy crushed me.

I’ve always been known for being extremely neat.

It was a trauma response I picked up as a kid to survive some really chaotic things, and for a long time, it felt like being “the tidy one” was what made me worthy because I was so damn good at it.

You could ask any of my friends: my house was always really f*cking organized! But on the inside, I was chronically exhausted from wearing perfectionism as a badge of honor and being surrounded by stuff I didn’t really want or need.

I was handcuffed to the hamster wheel of maintaining an illusion of perfection.

The worst part was, I had the keys in my own pocket the whole time.

Even after I had my first baby and was still healing from some gnarly physical complications, I obsessively worried about keeping my home tidy… until I finally hit rock bottom with my mental health and I broke.

If I wanted to actually LIVE, I had to get clear on what really mattered.

Because this? This wasn’t it.

Was I going to be organized because that’s what my trauma, the patriarchy, and the hustle said would make me a good person? Or was I brave enough to actually rest and be Kelly without trying to fit myself into a perfect little labeled box all the time?

I chose me. I chose life.


I’m still organized as hell and I love it.

But now my house works for ME (not the other way around).

I don’t give a shit about what anyone else thinks about my home, and I get to teach amazing people like you how to say

“f*ck the rules”

so you can make your own.

I’ll let you in on a few juicy secrets that the home organizing industry doesn’t want you to know.

  1. The crushing guilt you feel towards your clutter is actually less about you and more about the external expectations you’ve been programmed to think are important.

  2. Focusing on Pinterest-perfect aesthetics slaps a bandaid on a deeper issue and will never fix the root problem. To make a long-lasting change, first arrange your stuff around your existing habits and THEN make it pretty. You don’t have to change everything (or anything) about who you are.

  3. You don’t have to become a minimalist if you don’t want to. It’s okay to have STUFF (even a lot of stuff) as long as it SUPPORTS the life you want to live.

It all boils down to this: Being organized does not have a “look,” it has an outcome… and that outcome is alignment. Aligning your life, your values, your stuff, and your organizational habits isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution and what works for someone else might not work for you.

“I used to think I needed to keep my home impeccable in order to be and feel organized. Kelly has taught me that feeling organized is unique for every person.”
-Steena S.

If you’re always scrambling to meet society’s expectations of what your home should look like without taking into account how you naturally function in your own space, you are going to run yourself into the ground, just like I did. 

But if your home supports who you actually want to BE, you’ll have less BS draining your time, energy, and focus.

Your home doesn’t have to be perfect to make you feel really f*cking good.

If your jeans are always piling up on that chair, you know what that tells me? You are never gonna fold your jeans (and that’s okay).

Stop “shoulding” yourself and throw some hooks on the wall, sassy pants.

BAM. You just unlocked effortless organization.

Become Your Own Tidy Rebel Here:

(online course)



Extra, Extra…

TTR is a whole a$$ team now!

Meet the crew

“I love Kelly’s encouragement and the way it feels like you’re getting advice from a beloved friend. You know, that friend who will gently get you to get THE THING done so you can sip coffee and celebrate together. Instead of going out to celebrate, though, you’ll want to stay in to enjoy your newly decluttered and de-stressed space. Homebrewed coffee is better anyway!”
- Teressa B. 

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